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Dance with Duende

Duende Dance Studio offers Salsa and Bachata group classes from beginning to advanced levels, private lessons, monthly socials, and more! We are dedicated to helping you improve your dancing with high quality instruction in a fun and supportive environment.

Group Classes

Private Lessons

Salsa and Bachata Group Class Schedule at Duende Dance Studio


  • Class series are progressive and start at the beginning of each month

  • Bring dry/clean shoes to wear in the studio



  • Single Class - $18

  • 5 Class Credits - $80

  • 10 Class Credits - $150


      *recurring payment until canceled

Packages expire after 1 year

Salsa and Bachata Private Dance Lessons


  • Great way to accelerate your learning

  • Individualized based on your level

  • Fine-tune technique and skills

  • There is a 24 hour cancellation policy

  • Private lessons can include 1 to 4 students

  • Request from available times online


  • Single Private Lesson - $75

  • 5 Lesson Package - $350

  • 10 Lesson Package - $700 

Packages expire after 1 year

Our classes follow an effective curriculum that are structured in a progressive manner with a new series starting the beginning of each month. The first week of the series you will learn a new element and we continue to build-on throughout the month.


*Since our classes are progressive, we only accept new students to start classes the 1st or 2nd week of the month.

Classes focus on teaching all aspects: the lead/follow technique, timing, rhythm and body movement. We have something for dancers of all skill levels. No dance partner needed. If you aren't sure which level class to take, we offer free class placement assessments on Saturdays at 11:30am and Tuesdays at 6pm.

We have an online class registration and payment system. Students will be required to register and make payments for class online in order to attend classes. Please sign-up online for each class you plan to attend.

Please click Log-in/Sign-up on the top of the page. 

Fill out the form to become a site member. This is necessary in order to register and attend classes. 

After becoming a member on the site you will be ready to register for classes! Click Purchase, select the desired pricing plan, and continue through the payment/class sign-up process. 


*Please note that when you arrive at the studio you will still need to check-in at the front desk prior to class. 

Group Class Reminders:

  • Please be sure to sign-up for class in advance. You can always cancel or reschedule registrations within your account if needed. If you don't register in time, you will need to complete Late Registration.

  • We accept new students to start the first or second week of class series.

  • Please wait quietly during video and announcements at end of classes.

  • Bring a pair of dry/clean shoes to change into for class.

  • No partner needed, we rotate partners during class.

  • Please turn your phones on silent while at the studio.

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