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Unlimited Membership at Duende Dance Studio


If you are taking or plan to take more than 1 class per week, this is the best pricing option for you! Save money and take unlimited number of group classes!


You can join all Salsa and Bachata Classes within your dance level!


We offer multiple classes at each level! Level 2 and above classes focus on different monthly elements on different days of the week. Students in Level 1, you can take as many classes per week to build a solid foundation. Let's get dancing!







Sign-up for the unlimited membership any day during the month. You will be charged on that same date each month until you cancel. For example, if you sign-up on May 10th, you will be charged automatically on the 10th of each month.


Cancel anytime. Must complete membership cancellation form in person 7 days prior to renewal date. Automatic recurring monthly payments until canceled. No refunds.  



Automatic monthly payments until canceled.

Salsa and Bachata Group Class Schedule at Duende Dance Studio
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